Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Talking, talking

These past couple of days Ally has been exploring or experimenting with her voice. She has mastered the dadada sound which Justin just loves, but the funny part is she does it at different noise levels. We have heard the quiet version and the loud version. It is pretty funny when she yells b/c most of the time she is surprised she can do it also. She also has starting talking to Anna. It is really funny b/c it seems like she has her own language for Anna. Her voice gets very high and she kind of squeaks to her. It is very funny! We are working on a video, but she has learned what the red light means, taping. Whenever we turn on the camera and start filming she stops talking. I am crossing my fingers that in the next couple of days we can get something. We will keep you updated on the progress.

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