Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Try again honey

Before I explain the title I need to say something first. Justin is an awesome dad and Ally is so lucky to have him as her daddy. He helps with so much during the day and he doesn't even complain when it is his turn to change a dirty diaper. Well today we were both home because of the flood water in the area. It was a great surprise for both of us to hang out with Ally all day today. So of course she got sick and she needed to be changed. It was Justin's turn so he took her upstairs to clean and change her. This is the outfit she came down in. Look closely, she has strips on the tops and then purple pants with hearts on them. I laughed as soon as I saw her, and then Justin said, "What I looked and all of the colors match." This is when I said, "Try again honey."

Ready for the rain

With all of the rain we have been getting we decided it was time for Ally to try out her rain boots. I think she is ready for anything that comes her way :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I am going to be an Aunt!!

I am so excited that Ben and Jess are expecting a little girl in December. The excitement of being an Aunt is just as much as being a mom. In some ways more, b/c I don't have to worry about spoiling and ruining anything. My job as an Aunt is to spoil!! Then another great part is that Ally gets another girl to play with. We can't wait. Jess it was great seeing you this weekend and I am so glad we were able to work out a shower for you, Ben, and little girl Champa. I know the pink was a little scary at first, but after you have seen enough of it you realize it is the best. We can't wait to add another December birthday to the family :).

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Trying food for the first time

On Saturday we finally had enough time to try the food thing with Ally. We didn't know how it would go so I wanted to make sure Justin was around to help. To our surprise everything went great. I think she even kind of liked it. She was way more interested in the bowl and spoon than what was going in her mouth, but she seemed to keep some of the cereal in her mouth also. It was just so cute feeding her with a spoon. Here are a few photos of the event. I will post a video of the event soon.