Thursday, January 29, 2009

A work in progress

This past week we have been working on painting the nursery. It turned out great and we are now excited to start putting together the furniture and doing some real decorating. Here are a few pictures to show the progress we have made so far.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The decorating has started

Last night Justin and I went last night to Home Depot to get the paint and blinds to start painting and putting together the nursery. All of our furniture has arrived so we figured it was time to start putting things together. We are hoping that this painting project goes much smoother than our first. If you ever want to hear a funny story about our first time painting, please let me know. All I have to say is that it was a pretty big process :) We promise to keep you updated on the progress with before and after pictures. Just cross your fingers for us that it all goes well.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

We have registered!

WOW! Who knew a little baby girl "needed" so much? We have spent the last couple of weekends finishing up our registry. Babies R Us is the mega store for us. It took us two visits to actually spend more than 5 min. in it, but now we realize this store really does have it all. In order to hit up Babies R Us we realized we needed a plan, or more I needed a plan for Justin. Once I had that together I feed him a good dinner, and then we hit the store. With our plan in hand we were able to get all of this done. Thankfully we had lots of friends to help us with this process. (thank you!!!) When you have a chance check out what we have at Target and Babies R Us. We are very excited about the things we picked out and we think she is going to like them. At least we hope :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The name is...

We have finally made the name official. It is going to be Allyson Lillie. We are so excited about this name because we were able to use a family name as her middle name. Lillie is Justin's grandmother and we are very excited for our little girl to share her name. We might be using the nickname Ally as well for her.

I just went back to the Dr. today and he said everything still looks great and that all of kicking she has been doing is great. Yea! The coolest thing did happen over Christmas break, Justin got to feel her for the first time. I don't know what it was about that night but we were watching Batman and she was going crazy in my belly. You could actually see my stomach moving! It was quite a site. I guess she liked Batman :)

Over the holiday we also started converting our office into a nursery. We had to get some help from a friend and some family (thanks Jenny :) to do some of the moving and cleaning but we finally got everything moved. We will start some of the painting soon. I am still not sure what I am going to do in the nursery yet as far as a "theme." I know I want to paint it a light lavendar color, but other than that we are pretty clueless. Hopefully something will come to us soon.

That is all that is happening here, but we promise to keep you updated as we know she will be here before we know it!